My Firefly AGE’d Role-Playing Game PDF Now Available Here

This boat better keep working...

Edit: I have finished Firefly up through Box Set 2 release of Dragon Age as of 03/16/11.

Here is the full PDF.

Firefly Hurtlin Through the Verse V2

I’ve been plundering through the feedback I’ve gotten from friends and readers and want to say a big thanks for all who have given awesome advice and thoughts.

A huge thanks is due to Chuck because he really has helped me see things from different angles when writing all of this up.

When I started creating the mechanics and feel for the space part of Firefly I admit I fell into the trap I hoped to avoid and went too crunch and convoluted. Thanks to Chuck and a few others I was able to get it back on track and create something that, I hope, will capture the cinematic feel of Firefly.

As always, I’m looking forward to more feedback.

I still have to add descriptions to the Backgrounds and the Classes. However that is merely flavor text and I wanted to get this out for some more feedback and for people who were interested in playing it a chance.


When Box Set 2 of Dragon Age is released I will add those mechanics (specializations and the like) to Firefly. I plan to have this game grow with the AGE system.

Author: Mike Evans

I am the dude behind DIY RPG Productions. I have a fuck all punk rock attitude, love meeting new people, doing nature shit, and gaming (tabletop and console) and having a good time. I love craft beer (maybe too much), punk, grunge, and industrial music. I write books. Good for me.

4 thoughts

  1. I tweeted a link to this page via the @DragonAgeOracle. Let me know when you feel this has gone out of Beta and we’ll post it to the Dragon Age Oracle website like I did with Mystara!

  2. Looking forward to poking through this over the next few days, but I wanted to give you props for all the work. I’ve often looked at books or movies and thought it would be cool to play in that world, but I’ve never made it happen. AGE seems tailor-made for that.

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