The Beastman Class for Barbarians of the Ruined Earth, a Thundarr-inspired Setting for The Black Hack

Figured I’d post another class/race from my upcoming Barbarians of the Ruined Earth.  Last time I posted the Robot.  Today we look at the Beastman!



Beastman 2

Beastmen hail from all over the ruined earth and are as varied in temperament and appearance as any human.  All Beastmen are known for their bestial appearance, strong traditions, and their massive strength.  Beastmen emerged from the ashes of the Ruined Earth, savage, primordial, and tenacious; each tribe fighting to make a home for themselves in the wastes. 


“You fear me for my savagery and chastise me for honoring my ancestors, yet you covet my strength, attempting to control my kind by chain, by coin, or by magic.”


Starting HP: 1d12+4

Hit Points Per Level/Resting: 1d12 HP

Weapons and Armor: Any and All.

Weapon Damage: 1d8/1d6 Unarmed or Improvised



Beastman 4


Animal Features: The Beastman has claws and can see in the dark (Nearby radius).


Super strong: Has Advantage on feats of strength for lifting stuff, breaking things, flexing muscles, etc (not attack rolls).


Impossibly Strong: Once per hour can do impossible feats of strength and be awesome (IE. lift a huge pillar of cement/vehicle/rock/etc.) and throw it, push it, or whatever.  No roll needed.  If this used to attack, it hits automatically and deals 2d10 points of damage.


Thick Hide: Once per combat can ignore damage from a physical attack.


Leveling Up: Roll all Attributes to see if they increase, roll twice for STR or CON.


Mark of the Beast

Determine what animal type makes up the Beastman.  Roll 2d8: 2) Wolf; 3) Bear; 4) Cougar; 5) Alligator; 6) Snake; 7) Armadillo; 8) Badger; 9) Tiger; 10) Lion; 11) Moose; 12) Frog; 13) Mole; 14) Rabbit; 15) Rhino; 16) Roll twice and merge the two (if this is rolled again, ignore).


Beastmen Species Names (roll 1d10): 1) Cull; 2) Sylthis; 3) Nok; 4) Kurd; 5) Bryll; 6) Dredge; 7) Grok; 8) Fanth; 9) Ryn; 10) Hulyth



CHOOSE TWO: Short sword, short bow, spear, dagger, axe, mace, or spiked club

ARMOR: Leather Armor- 4 AP (2 AP/d6 Usage Die)

ADDITIONAL: Ammo for ranged weapon if taken, rations (d6), waterskin (d6), bedroll, torches x6 (d6), and healing salve (1 Hit Dice of HP restored).

Beastman 3 

INTERESTING TRINKET (roll 1d6): 1) a tooth of your father, worn around your neck; 2) the rusted manacles that used to bind you; 3) a flute; 4) a backpack made by your sister; 5) a bag of seeds to plant- given by your village elder; 6) staff made from bones of a great beast


LIFE EVENT (roll 1d8): 1) you were a slave and escaped; 2) your father was the tribe leader and was pushed into exile; 3) you fought off slavers who were attempting to take your sister; 4) you watched many of your tribe vaporized by a Sorcerer, somehow you survived; 5) you were down by the river when a Water Weird attacked you.  For some reason, the creature stopped its assault and let you live; 6) while on a hunt you came across the lair of a dragon.  It emerged, talked to you, and let you leave; 7) you won a fighting contest in your youth and are considered a celebrity in your tribe; 8) you stumbled across a lush valley that was fertile, had a fresh river, and defendable.  You’re tribe has relocated here.


Author: Mike Evans

I am the dude behind DIY RPG Productions. I have a fuck all punk rock attitude, love meeting new people, doing nature shit, and gaming (tabletop and console) and having a good time. I love craft beer (maybe too much), punk, grunge, and industrial music. I write books. Good for me.

17 thoughts

  1. Very nice! Hmm I was looking at this part:

    Beastmen Species Names (roll 1d10): 1) Cull; 2) Sylthis; 3) Nok; 4) Kurd; 5) Bryll; 6) Dredge; 7) Grok; 8) Fanth; 9) Ryn; 10) Hulyth

    Maybe those go with the animals made and have a meaning like:

    Cull: a one off creation or prototype
    Sylthis: this is what they were trying to make and they think it’s perfect
    Nok: was imprefectly made, some are born unevolved as the animal forms
    Kurd: had mutated from what they wanted
    Bryll: Evolving in a more human form.
    Dredge: De evolved as a race, more bestial then human.
    Grok: Vocal system still has bugs. Can understand but has trouble being understood.
    etc.. LOL just thinking out loud.

    1. That’s cool:) . I think these are neat!

      I’m more comfortable with the GM instilling that. I’m trying to give the tools to create a Thundarr-inspired setting, but not fully flush it out.

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