Really Kick Ass Idea From a Role-Playing Blogger Near You

This is a really cool deal!  Jez over at Giblet Blizzard is offering to spruce up your RPG products to a professional level for a pittance.  Basically you decide what the value is worth after he is finished (and don’t be stingy, because this guy works hard).  Go over and read his blog and scope it out!

Now you may be wondering about his credentials..  Well check out Santacore!  This shit is fucking amazing and kicks some serious ass!  Jez made this look better than many professional products that I’ve seen.

Now if you NEED more evidence of Jez’s ability to pull this awesome “scratch my back and I scratch yours, but not in a porn kinda way” then may I point to exhibit B:  The fact that Jez looks like the Dude.  And honestly how can you NOT want to help THE FUCKING DUDE!  Seriously though, take advantage of this offer!  I know I will with Wrath of Zombie Survival Horror RPG v3!!

Author: Mike Evans

I am the dude behind DIY RPG Productions. I have a fuck all punk rock attitude, love meeting new people, doing nature shit, and gaming (tabletop and console) and having a good time. I love craft beer (maybe too much), punk, grunge, and industrial music. I write books. Good for me.

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